

Page history last edited by Maria Bossa 14 years ago


Welcome Aboard!

This is a site for learning, sharing & smiling! :) 



Comments (6)

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 8:53 pm on Jan 23, 2011

Hello Maria,
Congrats on your wiki. I see you posted a calendar and lots of pages.

Maria Bossa said

at 5:34 pm on Jan 27, 2011

Thanks Jose!! I'm still learning and the good thing is that PB sends me a daily mail so as to teach me how to use the site. For the time being, I'm just using it very slowly! It's too much for my brain!! But I hope that in the future I can do a lot of things!! :)

Juan Domingo Martinez said

at 12:44 pm on Jan 31, 2011

Let's share then!


Juan Domingo

Maria Bossa said

at 4:39 pm on Jan 31, 2011

Thanks Juan!!! I'm still learning how to use (and create) a wiki so... as soon as I'm confident, I'll share!! For the time being... let's share at Facebook, our 2nd home!! :)

moiraokon@... said

at 7:40 am on Feb 1, 2011

Hi Maria, great Wiki! How did insert the "guest list" on your right? I LOVE IT!

Maria Bossa said

at 4:09 pm on Feb 1, 2011

Hi Moira!! Thanks! To insert the "guest list", go to "pages and files"; then "side bar - edit"; when you are there, you'll see "insert", click it and it'll appear a list of options, click on "more plugs-in" then "page information" and finally "recent visitors" and... Eureka! You did it. I've been trying to add skype but it keeps telling me "disconnected" when I'm online so I've decided to delete it!
If you need more help, just let me know!! I'm learning how to use wikis for the 1st time!! Smiles, Maria :)

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